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shadetree surgeon

The dirty hobo swamp wizard Shadetree Surgeon, despite his fascination with the dark arts, is actually quite a terrible wizard. Raised by a congregation of sentient alligators, the reptiles convinced him they were teaching him magic as part of an elaborate prank. A tempestuous affair with a Patagonian Bog Demon left him short one kidney and the memories of his 12th summer vacation. After this he swore an oath to never love a female daemon, cryptid or demi-god again, proclaiming his one true love to be motorcycles. He now spends his time adventuring with Cheyleesi but can still be found wistfully holding a bog demon horn on lonely nights.


Mother of Frogs, Breaker of Motorcycles, Queen of the Florida Men! Cheyleesi’s parentage is unknown as she was hatched from a large egg. Shadetree Surgeon discovered the egg on a side quest, hidden in the cargo hold of an abandoned ship floating in Cockroach Bay. It was used mostly as a footstool until it unexpectedly hatched sometime in the mid-nineties. Since then Cheyleesi has become an avid adventurer but still disappears on the 7th day of odd-numbered months, returning with no recollection of the previous 24 hours and smelling of brimstone and sulphur.